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My Low Carb Life— 10 Things

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healthy low carb lifestyle

1. I made an Instagram account: ketoproject.


2. Close to completing LCMP for iPad! Starting to move forward with the iPhone version.

Processed with VSCOcam with k3 preset

3. Went for a walk around the Baylands Nature Preserve in Palo Alto.


4. Hung out with my little sister before her trip to Europe! She snapped this pic of me.

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5. Coffee

6. I like to cook up a lot of meat and use the leftovers for lunches and dinners throughout the week— grill, bake, or pan fry.


7. Went to the Farmer’s Market on Sunday and saw these gorgeous flowers.


8. Got my very own stevia plant!


9. For breakfast this morning I had pastured eggs, spinach, and red onions cooked in coconut oil. On the side, sugar free bacon from the farmer’s market and coffee with cinnamon, half and half, and sugar free Vanilla Bean syrup. 


10. Choose your own path to happiness.


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