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Connect With Us on Social Media!  Follow us on Instagram: Low Carb Menu Planner My Low Carb Cafe My Paleo Cafe ketoproject   And like[…]Read More 6 Super Simple *VEGAN* Recipes Using Tigernut FlourLooking for some easy recipes using tigernut flour? Here are a few: My very own Vegan Fudge Brownie Cake, which[…]Read More LCMP— New FeatureOne of the cool new features in Low Carb Menu Planner allows you to view macronutrient information for a selected[…]Read More Low Carb Menu Planner Back in the App Store!I’m super excited that Low Carb Menu Planner, with updated features, is now available in the App Store! After the[…]Read More 3 Simple Food TipsHere are three simple tips that can help you increase the quality of your diet:   Opt for real, whole,[…]Read More Want to Lose Weight?When you decide to follow the meal plan in My Low Carb Café or My Paleo Café (available in the[…]Read More arrow-down

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Aenean sollicitudin, lorem quis bibendum auctor, nisi elit consequat ipsum, ut nec sagittis sem nibh id elit. Duis sed odio sit amete nibhi vulputate cursus a sit amet mauris. Morbi accumsan ipsum velit. Nam nec tellus a odio auctor a ornare odio.

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